Friday, September 7, 2012

There is a weakness

I looked closely to the curriculum of the certificate that I am making.  And I have found a loophole.

There is a weakness in the curriculum that I will exploit.  There is this course that is at the end of the process.  And I've found that by making this course, it gives me a license to do part of the job I am studying for.

If I can make an analogy to give a better understanding.

This is like saying that you want to become a mechanic.  Before you are one you cannot set foot in a garage.  You have ten courses to do to become a mechanic and its at the end of it only that you will be able to practice.  In around two years from now.  At the end of the process there is a course.  This course requires no prerequisite. This means that even if the curriculum suggests that you do that course only at the end.  There is nothing that prevents you from doing it at the beginning.  And guess what?  This course gives you the right to get into the garage and do only breaks.

So ok it is not the full fledged mechanic that you want to become just yet since you can only work on breaks.  But!  You are allowed from the very beginning (instead waiting at the end) to get into the garage and do part of the work.

This means in other terms that by doing this one course, it will give me my joker that I want to get to stop exposing myself.  And instead of getting that joker in two years, I can have it by about Christmas.

Guess what course I am going to do next?

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