Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I rest my case!

I've talked before on this blog about my philosophy of getting out of the corporate slavery reality. But who I'm I really to have an original idea and original thought about the subject right?

I mean I am a nobody. I didn't write anything of any importance, I never atchieved anything of significant national or human scaled value... so who I'm I to question the status quo?

But at last I am not the only one now. Some people more influential than me are getting the point.

Read this: from Seth Godin' Blog.

Now if you want to be a sheap. Well by all means go ahead and be a sheap. But please do know that you are a sheap. Don't fool yourself and don't live in denial. Accept the fact consciously: " I am a sheap. I have no inclination of being my own boss. I follow orders. That's the way I am. Its my nature".

There is no shame about it. As long as you don't try to fool yourself. You might be able to do so. But you won't fool others.

Do you remember my case study Eric? Eric is my friend and I love him dearly as a friend. But there is one thing that is bothering me with him. As per his job, he lives in total denial.

No later than last week he told me that he had to go to his company's head office with the rest of his team. This was the equivalent of going to the slauther house. They told them that they had to cut half of the staff and that the remaining people will have to swallow a pay cut. Know what he told me when he got back? He said:"you know what, I am greatful. I still have a job in these difficult times".


You lick the hand that just smashed you!? I can`t believe it.

I've explained my corporate philosophy to Eric and he rejected it entirely. He prefers to live in the model that we've learnt at school and from our parents:"go to school, find a good job, and work hard until you die".

Now I don't argue with my friend anymore on that subject. But I can`t help it but feel sad for him. A few weeks ago, before going to the head office, he cancelled going to climb mount Kilimandjaro with me because he said that his job was too uncertain to do such travel and make such expenses. I mean is this just me but how can you let an outside party decide for you what you are going to do or not?

And listen. In one way I am no better than my friend either. I still work for someone else for a living. And loosing that job will be a financial blow to me, I must admit. But at least I consider that I am awake. And that I am deploying energies in order to get rid of my employer. Instead of doing nothing.

But getting back to our main subject, don't be fooled my dear readers. You are a corporate slave until the day you get to the office day and realize that, if you still go in there to work, it is because you like it. Not for financial aid. When you realize that you still go to work because you like it and you like the people, and that if you wanted. Or if you were obligated to leave, this wouldn't affect you financially. THAT is when you`ll know that you are not a slave anymore.

And a good strategy of life is to either maintain this state of being. Or gain it back.

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