Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs has left us this week

We had a tremendeous loss this week. Steve Jobs has left us.

I sincerelly feel that we live in a little bit lesser world now that he is gone. There is so many people out there who are just alive. They don't really live. They're there, washing their teeths on the morning, hitting the subway, doing their day work, heading back home, cooking dinner, helping the kids with their home works. Hit the shower and go to sleep. That's their lives. And that is how they will live period. I have nothing against them. But they are not the people who will make a difference in the world. They are only the gardians of the status quo.

And then, you have people like Steve Jobs. People with ideas, dreams, wit and will. And wants to change the world to make it a better place. Their mind are on fire. And they cannot help it but change, fix, transform, adapt, shape our surroundings in maners never thought before. Thus making this planet a better world to live in.

Steve Jobs was one of them. Farewell Mr. Jobs. Good job while you were at it. I bow to you in respect.

And now... My little sinical side cannot help it but to ask:"Who will save Apple now?" Steve Jobs was... thanked and replaced by mediocre minds once. They had to beg for him to get back and save them. But now... now what?

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