Sunday, October 9, 2011

We were not taught how to fight

We, for most of us, live in a lawful society. A society in which our rights are preserved and garanteed by law. A society in which our physical integrity is protected by law. Therefore there is no need to fight. You bring your issue to the court. The judge rules and one must follow the judgement. Period. No need to fight. No need to learn how to defend yourself. This is outdated.

But is it?

Who has never encountered a situation in which the sauce could have turned sour from a tramp in the subway? Or from a bully on the street? Most of us have encountered such situations.

There is occasions in which you would need fighting knowledge to defend yourself. And I said to defend yourself. Not to provoque and attack. Because even if your are not looking for shit. Sooner or later, shit comes to you.

I've had my first class of Krav Maga last week. And I loved it! My teacher is a retired soldier who made career in the special ops, them moved on as bodyguard to top politicians. He now have his school of Krav Maga. You would cross him on the street, he looks like a pretty normal guy: good looking, heathly, smiling, cool. But try to fuck with him and he can destroy you in about 10 seconds. I really mean "destroy". I must be honest. I found him intimidating. When he shows us stuff, I can sense so much power within him, its freaking me.

So it made me think. When you are in a society in which most people does not know how to fight. And you do know. You then have a strategic advantage over them. Not to use force against people to get what you want. You'll end up in jail. But imagine going out at night knowing that there is no one on the street that can do any harm to you. You feel safe anywhere, any time. You feel like you are mostly in full control of your environment. Meaning that nothing that surrounds you feels like a menace. In fact, if someone's tries to get funny with you, you're the menace.

Strenght in knowing how to fight gives you a strategic advantage over the rest of society. Especially in a society that doesn't know how to defend itself.

But remember. With any strenght come a responsibility. One should use it wisely and for the good.

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