Saturday, June 25, 2011

Best BJ Strategy

Yes my friends. Your eyes does not deceive you. We are actually going to talk about oral sex.

Sir. You want more of it? Don't push your woman toward the sensitive zone. It won't do any good trying to "force" her. And you are going to get just the opposite result that you are seeking. Get clever about it. Shave the entire area.

When your woman gets to see that the area is all nicely clear and smells good, two things will happen to you. 1. she will tend to go down there more often. 2. She will tend to stay down for a longer period.

Believe me I live to tell. It works.

That is part of being a strategist. Strategy can and is applied to every aspect of your life. Its a commitment. A way of life.

Oh! And what if you woman is not the "type" doing that? Well lets not be a pussy here and lets call a cat a cat. Here I will answer with my cheese cake parable.

Lets say you love cheese cake. But your woman does not like it at all. And she says that as long as you live with her, you will have to avoid cheese cake. You love her. So you comply. You might resist the temptation. You may resist for a week, a month even for years. But sooner or later you will hear the cheese cake calling. And you're going to have to make a very important decision for yourself.

Avoiding the matter won't take it away. You're just borrowing time.

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