Friday, June 10, 2011

I know now the date of my death

I am scheduled to depart from this Earth on June 21, 2088. This means that I still have 77 years to live, which is more than what I’ve lived so far. And since I was born in 1968, this means I will die at age 120. Which is more than anyone I eared of so far!

I can live with that!… sort to speak.

Here how it happened. I received a SMS the other day stating “We have calculated the date of your death. According to our calculation, you will die on June 21, 2088…” This is some sort of weird advertising for some sort of service they offer. At first I laugh when I saw that. But then it made me think. Imagine if we would all know our death date? Wouldn’t we want to make the most of it between our birth date and the fatidic date? Since we don’t know what is our expiration date, we live on the impression of immortality. And we can see it everywhere: save now for when you’ll retire; people caring more about futile activities instead of working on themselves and on others; people working nine to five and damning their cubicle job instead of breaking free and doing what they like… etc…

I find that knowing the date of my death gives me an advantage. Since I know when it will end, I can plan ahead and make sure I will be able to do everything I want to achieve before the departure date.

Uneasy with this post? GET OVER IT!! Just give yourself a good kick in the butt. Stop applying the ostrich strategy by putting you head in the sand. It will do you no good. Face it! Face the inevitable with a sharp eye, you back erected and your chin high. It WILL happen either you like it or not. Either you think about it or try to elude the idea. Look right in the face of the ineluctability. And stand your ground: “I will make the most of it while I’m here and there is nothing you can do about it in the mean time!”

Now take a piece of paper and write down everything you have postponed so far in your life but are dear to you heart. Then apply Nikes strategy: “Just do it!”

“What is the purpose of life” you ask your self? “What is the meaning of life?”

The answer is very easy.

The purpose of life are to pass on you genetic code and remain alive. Period! That’s it.

What is the meaning of life? None! There is no meaning to life. But wait! Since there is no intrinsic meaning to life. This means that there is no meaning to life OTHER than the one YOU settle for YOUR SELF!

Now THIS is a powerful thought isn’t it? Can you imagine the spectrum of freedom this gives you? You are free to undertake just what ever endeavour you want for yourself. So now that you have the answer to the most profound questions of existence, stop wondering about it and go out and do something of your life. Just what ever feel right for you before your expiration date.

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