Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So… You’re a push-pen?

I cannot help but it hurts me at some point. Yesterday my 16 years old boy asked me "dad, what do you really do at work?" So I explained to him that I am in charge of the Quality department for my department. "Ok but what is it that you actually do?" He replied. So basically I… do reports. "So…" my son replied, "You’re a push-pen?" And then he went to say "I really do want to end up like this, pushing pens…"

I cannot help but in hurts me at some point.

I know that for a fact and for a long time now. I even call myself a "glorified personal assistant" for I produce reports that are way under my brain capacity and of my formal training. You might call it a Qualitiy specialist, Quality Manager, Quality Strategist, what ever. At the end of the day you end up producing reports to people that will seldom read it.

I always wanted to be a model for my kids. And I must admit that, on this topic, I failed.
Thus my renewed vigour in becoming a successful business man. One who shape the world to his values and one with increasing power on his surrounding instead of the other way around like most people live. That will be the teaching I will pass to my children. Not the singular image of an insipid cubicle push-pen.

Wanting to be a model to my children is a great motor and motivator. I shall not deceive them.

P.S. The reason why I am a push-pen right now is because I’m on brain strike. An Atlas Shrugged’s John Galt’s like strike. For those of you who read the book, you will understand.

Given my experience in the corporate world I came to the conclusion that it does not deserve my brain and I shall use it instead to propel myself on my own, starting my own company. But I cannot explain that to my son. Not now. He doesn’t have the professional experience and the knowledge of Ayn Rand’s book to understand my stand.

May be one day…

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