Sunday, December 19, 2010

In the beginning - The emergence and creation of strategism

Good day all.

I am a strategist. I've been one for several years but just discovered lately that I was one.

See. We all live the game of life. And to do so, we all go about it adopting some kind of strategy. Some effective. Some not. But never the less strategy. Even if we are not aware of it, we do. We assess, estimate, test, and decide the best route to undertake.

I read a post on a blog lately that made me realize that I've been a strategist for quite some time now. I just didn't have a name for it.

I choose to live my life as a strategist. Now what does that means? Well to me it means simply that I will live my life choosing among the best strategies and tactics in order to fulfill my objectives. I will study the art of strategy, history and any sources that may help me found ways that will help me fulfill the objectives I set. What ever objective I may choose. Now. Some would say "not very different from what we all do." This is mostly true. The difference resides into the fact that the strategist decides consciously to live as such. Therefore his calculations, moves, tactics, are well thought and sound before he actually implement them. And while implemented, he will always assess if the strategy and tactics adopted are still effective. As a conscious process. And if they're not. He will change tactics or even strategy in order to fulfill his goal. Coldly, mathematically if may be.

This blog will discuss different aspects of life situations, of business and career. Issues in couples and friendship or among a group of people. Money, courtship, sex. Even our own body. Problems that we'll scrutinize under the eye of a strategist. We will discuss games, books, history, theories and experiments. Anything that can be useful in order to solves problems that we may encounter.

We can see life as a journey. Or a game. Some sees it as a war. What ever the point of view, strategy is useful in order to attain what ever objective we may set for ourselves, our family, our community, our business, career or any aspect of our lives.

Strategism is the philosophy of living your life strategically.

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