Friday, December 31, 2010

When the best strategy consist in just... asking.

Something amazing happened to me yesterday.

If you browse the list of my projects, you'll eventually hit project #32: Climb the Kilimanjaro.

I was talking about this before Christmas to a collegue and she found the idea so interesting that she decided to embark on the journey. Now this is a project I didn't plan to do before 3 to 5 years for other priorities.

Yet yesterday we were talking about this and I realized that Mr. Sneak was listening to our conversation. Mr. Sneak in a guy in the office that listens to most conversations, pretending doing some other work. But next thing you know, some of the ideas you are discussing in your department gets implemented in Mr. Sneak's department. Just like that. It must be magic of some sort... So when I became aware that he was listening, I grew worried that this nice gentleman would steal my idea. So I decided to beat him on speed and I posted my project on the company's electronic board, asking if there were people interested in the project and asking that any kind of help would be appreciated.

What came after just amazed me. My email became saturated with people asking for information, others wanted to join right out of sight. There were people sending their wishes for success. Other plainly offered to rise fund campains and I even got one that told me she couldn't come but she would be glad to act as our secretary in the organisation of the project!

Can you imagine that?

This proves that some times. The best strategy to accomplish a project is just to ask for help.

P.S. Do I have to say that project Kilimanjaro made a great improvement in its ranking of projects to fill? Now I aim for summer 2012 for this one. Further details will be posted.

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