Monday, January 17, 2011

Strategy: Cuban missile crisis vs couple management

I met one of my friend for coffee during the weekend and we had a very interesting conversation about couple management and the Cuban missile crisis. What leads one to the other? Read on. You'll see.

My friend is what we could consider an average nice looking guy. He is doing ok with women, like most of us, but he is not a Calvin Klein model type, like most of us. About two years ago we went out to this club. It was one of those night where you could say "tonight its on". We met a group of girls and there was one girl in the group that was the local incarnation of a brunette Scarlett Johansson. One thing leads to another, he ended up going out with the girl. I always thought that everything was nice and easy while they were together but yesterday my friend told me differently.

It's the classical case of a superb woman going out with an average guy: every guys were hitting on my friend's girlfriend. But on his side, not much women were hitting on him. "There was a clear disadvantage for me". Said my friend.

How so? I asked.

Well, she was more popular than me. And I could sense in her that, even if she never verbally mentioned it, she always took pride in knowing that she could get any guys she wanted if I was not up to her... expectations. And I always was able to sense that, with her unsaid words or non verbal behaviors. So I decided to use the Cuban missile strategy with her.

The Cuban missile strategy? I went, with, I imagine, my most puzzled face ever.

Yeah! Went my friend. See. The United-States repeated acts of aggressions against Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro's regime. Now it was easy for the USA to do so without fear of retaliation because Cuba was a nation that was opposing no military threat. This is not strange that they don't use the same strategy against North Korea. They oppose a bigger threat: they are a more militarized country, they have the atomic bomb and China support them. That is why nations stay away from North Korea. This was not the same for Cuba.

So in order to make the bullies stop from a stronger opponent, one has to ether develop its own strengths or seek alliance with a stronger bullier. That is what Castro decided to do. He seeked alliance with the Soviet Union and got to an agreement to install Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuban land. With this sort of parity, the United-States would think twice before trying to kick Cuba in the teeth again.

Ok but I still don't see where this leads to your relationship with Martine (the local Scarlett Johansson's name is Martine). I said to my friend.

Well you see. She had a appealing & seduction advantage on me. She could go out and get any guys she wanted. And she knew it. But me? This would require a lot more work.


So I decided to develop my sex appeal, get better in meeting women and attracting them. I wanted to become a pickup artist. To be at par with her.

Now I see where this change of behavior came from and why you wanted me to join the PUA community with you.

Yes. And it worked. I did not do that to cheat on her. I didn't. I did not do that to make her jealous neither. I just wanted her to understand that she did not have the upper end anymore. That I could get mostly any girl I wanted for now on and that if she wanted to keep me, she would have to treat me as well as I treated her. See... parity. Just as Cuba wanted.

And did it work?

Very well! Once she noticed that girls were around me more the territory protection cells kicked in her mind. And she was "fighting" and "competing" to keep me. Now you can say what you want because we are not together anymore. But we managed to keep our couple running for a year and a half never the less.

Moral of the story: International relation politico-military strategy can apply to our little lives. My friend used the Cuban missile strategy to overcome his ex girlfriend advantage on him. And it had more success with him than Castro had with his.

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